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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Biomass Power and power from living things

Biomass: Power from living things:

•Biomass fuel consists of plant material, manure, or any other organic matter that is used as an energy source. 

•Fossil fuels can be thought of as biomass energy sources, although they are nonrenewable.

•Renewable biomass fuels, such as wood and dung, are major sources of energy in developing countries. 

•More than half of all wood cut in the world is used as fuel for heating and cooking.

•Although materials like wood is a renewable resource, if trees are cut down faster than they grow, the resulting habitat loss, deforestation, and soil erosion can be severe.

•In addition, harmful air pollution may result from burning wood and dung. Methane

•When bacteria decompose organic wastes, one byproduct is methane gas.

•Methane can be burned to generate heat or electricity.

•In China, more than 6 million households use bio gas dig esters to ferment manure and produce gas for heating and cooking. Some landfills in the United States generate electricity by using the methane from the decomposition of trash.

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