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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Applications of Geothermal Energy and Environmental Problems

Various applications of geothermal energy are

Main applications are

1. Generation of electric power

2. Space heating for buildings

3. Industrial process heat

Other applications

4. Crop drying

5. Plastic manufacture

6. Paper manufacture

7. Mushroom culture

8. Production of salt from sea

9. Sewage heat treatment

10. Greenhouse cultivation using discharge from a geothermal fluid. 

Geothermal plants have proved useful for base load power plants. These kinds of plants are primarily entering the market where medium sized plants are needed with low capital cost, short construction period and lifelong fuel (i.e geothermal heat)

Environmental Problems:

The effluent will be salty and may contain sodium and potassium compounds. additionally in some cases lithium, fluorine, boron and arsenic compounds may be present. all these are very harmful to plants and animal life in concentrations as low as two parts per million. suitable waste treatment plants have to be installed to treat these new and increased sources of pollution.

1. Gases escape into the atmosphere and drop down as acid rain.

2. The soil and water are polluted by the chemicals like sulfates, chlorides, and carbonates of lead and arsenic.

3. Owing to the discharge of waste hot water, rivers are infected and consequently drinking water farming and fisheries are adversely affected.

4. The exhausts, blow downs and centrifugal separation cause noise pollution

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