UNIT-1 Try to practice signal flow graph and block diagram reduction problems from jairath.
1. find the transfer function of following systems using block diagram reduction technique?
UNIT-2 try to practice mechanical translational and rotational systems problems from nagoor kani
1. For first problem write the differential equation governing the system and find transfer function?for second problem draw force voltage and force current analogous circuits? 

UNIT-3 practice problems from jairath
time response specifications definitions and derivations? difference between type and order of a system?
a unity feedback system is characterized by the open loop transfer function G(S)=1/S(0.5S+1)(0.2S+1). Determine the steady state errors for unit step,unit ramp,unit acceleration inputs. also determine the damping ratio and natural frequency of dominant roots?
a unity feedback system is chracterized by an open loop transfer function G(S)=K/S(S+10). Determine the gain K so that the system will have a damping ratio of 0.5. for this value of K determine the settling time, peak overshhot,time to peak overshoot for a unit step input?
practice problems from jairath
by means of routh's crieterion, determine the stability of the systems represented by the following characteristic equations. s^6+3s^5+5s^4+9s^3+8s^2+6s+4=0
the open loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is given by G(S)=K/(S+2)(S+4)(S^2+6S+25). by applying the routh's criterion discuss the stability of the closed loop system as a function of K.determine the value of K which will cause sustained oscillations?
a unity feedback control system is characterized by the open loop transfer function G(s)= K(S+13)/S(S+3)(S+7). using routh's criterion calculate the range of values of K for the system to be stable?
the openloop transfer function of a unity feed back system is given by G(S)=K/S(ST+1) where K and T are positive constants. by what factor should the amplifier gain be reduced so that the peak overshoot of unit-step response of the system is reduced from 75% to 25%?
a feedback system has an openloop transfer function of GH=(K e^-s)/s(s^2+5s+9). determine the maximum value of K for the closed loop system to be stable using routh's array?
sketch the root locus plot of a unity feedback system with an open loop transfer function G(S)=K/S(S+2)(S+4). find the range of values of K for which the system has damped oscillatory response?
UNIT-5 practice problems from jairath
sketch the bode plots for the transfer function G(s)=ks^2/(1+0.2s)(1+0.02s). determine the system gain K for the gain crossover frequency to be 5 rad/sec?
sketch the bode plot for a unity feedback system having G(S)=K(1+0.2S)(1+0.025S)/S^2(1+0.001S)(1+0.005S).Show that the system is conditionally stable?
sketch the nyquist plot for a system with open loop transfer function GH=K(1+0.5S)(S+1)/(1+10S)(S-1).
try to practice as many problems as possible
sir may i know the relation between amplifier gain and peak over shoot...? and hint for 4th problem in 4th unit...
amplifier gain is K and peak overshoot is e^-pi zeta/sqrt(1-zeta^2).find closed loop transfer function gh/1+gh and find peak overshoot for both percentages and solve the equations to obtain K.
what are dominant roots in time domain response sir??? it is given in 2nd prob of unit 3.
what is the meaning of sink mode? sir.
how does the step input becomes stable sir????
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