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Friday, April 8, 2011

control systems important questions (theory)?

1.Briefly explain the terms used in signal flow graph?
2.What are the effects of feedback on stability and sensitivity of a closed loop system?
3.Define time constant and explain it's importance?
4.Define phase margin and gain margin?
5.Derive the transfer function of field controlled and armature controlled d.c servomeotor, ac servomotor,synchro transmitter and reciever?
6.Derive expressions for peak resonance and band width and all frequency response specifications?
7.Explain important specifications of time domain for unit step input?
8.Derive time response specifications for unit step input?
9.Explain the limitations of closed loop system over open loop system?
10.Explain the advantages of signal flow graph over block diagram reduction?
11.Explain how you can determine relative stability using polar plots?
12.what is the difference between type and order of a system, explain with an example? 13.Briefly explain the corellation between time response and frequency response?
14.Explain the procedure for finding transfer function from bode plot?
15 Explain minimum phase and non minimum phase and all pass transfer functions and explain nyquist stability criteria related to these type of transfer functions?

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